Ceiling Hanger "Mug in a Diamond Circle"

Item number: 40.0622.155 Item number:
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Product highlights

  • Diameter of 28 cm, printed on both sides for visibility
  • Creates an authentic Oktoberfest atmosphere at any event
  • Double-sided design attracts attention from all sides
  • Ideal for marquees and party rooms
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Product Description

The "Beer Mug in a Diamond Circle" Ceiling Hanger has a diameter of 28 cm and is printed on both sides. This decorative highlight will create an authentic Oktoberfest atmosphere at your event. Its double-sided design attracts attention from all sides and lets your celebration shine with Bavarian flair. Perfect for marquees and party rooms, this "Beer Mug in a Diamond Circle" Ceiling Hanger is easy to use and creates an impressive effect.


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