"PILBARA" Stylish and Innovative Wine Cooler

Item number: 40.1563.1
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Product highlights

  • special design
  • silicone sealed pouring spout
  • wine at an ideal temperature for hours
  • easy cleaning
  • stylishly packed in a gift box
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Product Description

The attractive wine cooler "PILBARA" consists of two parts.
Place the cooling stick in the freezer for at least 30 minutes.
This part is then attached to the sealing silicone part. The "PILBARA" keeps your wine at a pleasant temperature for hours.
Pour wine over the pourer without removing the wine cooler. The wine cooler is connected to the bottle neck via the sealing.

On request, we will be happy to provide the innovative and unique wine cooler with a suitable finish. Please contact us to find out about the possibilities.

Use this wine cooler in the noble gift box as a high-quality present for your business partners. But this stylish product with effective effect is also suitable for use in your restaurant or hotel chain.


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