Snack Midi Bag "Crispy Chickpeas"

Item number: 40.2750.1 Item number:
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Product highlights

  • Ideal promotional snack item that doesn't "swim with the crowd"
  • Chickpeas in the classically popular "paprika" variety
  • Over 20 g protein and fibre per 100 g
  • Available on request: customisable bag made of white paper film (with approx. 50% paper content)
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Your companion on the go: Whether enjoying a relaxed beer at the event or as a small pick-me-up at the trade fair.

Everyone is sure to appreciate this promotional item! The paprika snack chickpeas from Hülsenreich are your protein booster for the day: With more than 20 g of protein and dietary fibre per 100 g. Packaged in a customisable white foil bag, the snack midi bag is the ideal medium for your advertising messages.


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