3D Puzzle "Huzzle" Bird House Set in a Paper Bag

Item number: 40.2636.1 Item number:
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Product highlights

  • Bird house as a feeding station, assembled from wooden parts
  • Hangs outdoors with the supplied cord
  • Optional laser engraving on wooden roof for advertising message
  • Packed in an environmentally friendly, climate-neutral bag, can be customised
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Product Description

Our feathered friends look forward to food even in the cold season - what could be better? A birdhouse as a feeding station, of course! The wooden parts are assembled into a birdhouse and hung outdoors using the string provided. An optional laser engraving on the wooden roof provides a lasting promotional message. Packaged in a flat, environmentally friendly and carbon neutral bag with a customizable promotional label. Ideal as a winter or holiday greeting.


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