Digital Print for Header Board Promotor "Merit"
Item number: 80.0318.1Internal Order Number: Item number:
Product highlights
- suitable printing for your header sign of the promoter "Merit"
- premium print on B1-certified Frontlit
- individual digital printing
- fastening with hook & loop tape
Product Description
The suitable digital print for the header sign of your promotion counter "Merit" attracts the attention of your audience even from a distance.
Simply attach the banner made of B1-certified Frontlit to the header sign using the all-round hook and loop tape.
Simply attach the banner made of B1-certified Frontlit to the header sign using the all-round hook and loop tape.
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Product Description
The suitable digital print for the header sign of your promotion counter "Merit" attracts the attention of your audience even from a distance.
Simply attach the banner made of B1-certified Frontlit to the header sign using the all-round hook and loop tape.
Simply attach the banner made of B1-certified Frontlit to the header sign using the all-round hook and loop tape.
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