Lindt Mini Pralines in Christmas Pop Up

Item number: 40.1662.1 Item number:
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  • 9 fine Lindt chocolates
  • Individually printed pop-up cardboard box
  • With Christmastree motif
  • Includes 4c print and additional printing costs
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Product Description

In addition to the delicious contents, the small chocolate packaging features a special Christmas tree motif that can be put up. So the festive season can begin!

The high-quality contents will win over any gourmet:
9 delicious mini pralines from the house of Lindt promise a Christmassy treat.
The Christmas tree pop-up incorporated into the packaging also makes the box of chocolates a highlight.
Your small promotional gift may soon be used to decorate desks, counters or counters for Christmas.

Print the customised packaging according to your wishes and present your customers and advertising partners with an appealing Christmas gift.
A 4c Euroscale print and additional printing costs are already included. Please contact us if you have any questions.


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