Universal Indicator vacant/engaged

Item number: 12.0397.1 Item number:
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  • for gluing on flat surfaces
  • made of acrylic with hinged middle part
  • free or busy display via red or green area
  • including adhesive dots
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Product Description

Small, but not to be underestimated: This universal 'free/occupied' display brings structure to various areas of everyday life. In both doctor's surgeries and clinics, as well as in seminar and training centres, the universal display 'free/occupied' provides the necessary clarity.

Regardless of whether you want to inform the cleaning staff, students, visitors or patients - The flip display is unambiguous and easy to use. Attach the lightweight acrylic display to flat and convex signs (in all formats), on table displays, discretion displays or directly on the door. The switch to "free" and "occupied" is made by simply flipping the red or green areas. Delivery includes adhesive dots.


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