Disinfection Dispenser "Wall"

Item number: 50.0341.7
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Product highlights

  • operation by arm lever ("hands-free")
  • refillable tank
  • capacity approx. 1000 ml
  • for liquid and gel-like disinfectants
  • robust construction, corrosion and maintenance free
  • small space requirement
  • easily refillable
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Product Description

Our manual wall disinfectant dispenser "Wall" is a flexible and extremely user-friendly hygiene dispenser.

This disinfectant dispenser is mainly made of high-quality materials such as steel and plastic. The housing, pumps and operating lever are robust and require little maintenance. The hygienic removal of hand disinfectants makes this dispenser ideal for daily use.
The operation is done by elbow, so this wall dispenser can be freely mounted independent of batteries and any power connections. Our dispenser "Wall" has an integrated but removable tank with a capacity of 1000 ml. The hygiene dispenser is therefore not dependent on any particular bottle size or shape. The integrated tank can be easily removed and refilled with liquid or gel-like disinfectant. In this way, our disinfectant dispenser guarantees professional and hygienic use in your company at all times.

Optionally, an A4 click frame can be mounted above the wall dispenser. This way you can draw your customers' attention to other important behaviours, such as the safety distance or the correct procedure for hand disinfection.

You will find suitable disinfectant and the A4 click frame under "Accessories" in our online shop.


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