Floorstanding Poster Stand "Jelli"

Item number: 53.0490.1 Item number:
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Product highlights

  • "Jelli" Floorstanding Poster Stand with black steel base plate for a secure stand
  • Extendable tube (850-1500 mm) for customised height adjustment
  • Poster stand including acrylic Pocket A4 for a high-quality look
  • Can be used on both sides for the best visibility
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Product Description

Discover the "Jelli" Floorstanding Poster Stand, a stylish and functional display for your posters. With its sturdy black steel base plate, it ensures a secure stand, while the extendable tube (850-1500 mm) allows for customised height adjustment.
The poster stand is supplied with an acrylic pocket, which gives the stand a high-quality look. Thanks to the black puck, the acrylic pocket can be optimally attached, while the two-sided usability of the stand ensures the best visibility for your posters.
Use the information stand in various sectors. This display is perfect for both price labelling and advertising in your sales area.


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