Shelf Barkers bring Life to your Store!
Shelf barkers - this is the name given to the indispensable items attached directly to the shelf and close to the product to promote your products. The design possibilities of a shelf barker in terms of size, design and attachment to the shelf are almost endless. The attractive, attention-grabbing items make your customer linger right at the PoS of your items on the shelf. Well-known brand, customer or article names are included in the design of a shelf barker in their typical features (design and colours) - the customer recognises these attributes from afar - and so your articles are found more easily. The advantages are obvious here.
Shelf Barker Versions
Used as shelf edge barkers, shelf edge frames or attached to the shelf by sign grippers and shelf barker clips, everyone has seen them. As shelf wobblers they are attached to the shelf on easily movable media such as spring steel or a spiral spring and catch the customer's eye with their funny movements. All in all, shelf barkers liven up your market, make it colourful and cheerful, interesting and varied, without disregarding the informative and sales-promoting function. Your customers receive the signal to buy at a good price and to regularly find new products in the assortment.
Shelf Barkers from the Manufacturer
To develop a shelf barker or shelf wobbler suitable for your products, why not take advantage of our no-obligation consultation? We produce almost all shapes and colours for you.