Pre-filter for Air Purifier "LR 80 WIFI+".
Item number: 10.0537.38Internal Order Number: Item number:
Product highlights
- suitable for air purifier "LR 80 WIFI+".
- fine aluminium net
- fastening via click mechanism
- washable
Product Description
The pre-filter ensures that coarse particles that are sucked in with the air flow, such as voles or insects, are already caught in the fine aluminium grid. This prevents the main filter from being damaged or clogged too quickly. The filter is easy to replace via a click mechanism.
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Product Description
The pre-filter ensures that coarse particles that are sucked in with the air flow, such as voles or insects, are already caught in the fine aluminium grid. This prevents the main filter from being damaged or clogged too quickly. The filter is easy to replace via a click mechanism.
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