Sales Promotion at the POS - Definition and Examples

Sales promotion is an instrument of communication policy in marketing. It offers a wide range of measures designed to increase the sales and turnover of certain products. The goal of sales promotion is to consciously or unconsciously encourage the potential customer to make a purchase. Sales promotion is an important marketing tool that has an effective way of increasing the success of a company.

Almost every company invests in its sales promotion these days. Not only can profits be increased with the various sales promotion measures. Other goals, such as brand awareness and the generation of new customers, can also be achieved with this instrument. The sales promotion starts at three different points: the staff promotion, the trade promotion and the consumer promotion.

Consumer Promotion

The best known is certainly consumer-oriented sales promotion at the point of sale. For sales promotion at the POS or POP (point of purchase), you have a choice of various instruments. Here you decide between price promotions and non-price promotions.

Price promotions include offers, coupons or reward discounts, among other things. The non-price promotion accordingly includes lotteries, displays or product samples.

Price-dependent and non-price-dependent sales promotions are usually used in combination. In the area of consumer promotion, both time-limited campaigns and long-term measures are common. If two or more advertisers have decided to carry out these measures together, it is called cross promotion.

Sales promotion at the point of sale is not only the best known, but also a much-used form of marketing. Especially at the point of sale, it is important to make products stand out from the crowd and attract the customer's attention. The presentation of goods can be ideally tailored to your consumers to realize the best possible results in the field of consumer promotion.

Sales Promotion at the Shelf

Consumer promotion at the shelf is of particular importance in this area of marketing. Shelf advertising can be used to influence the customer's path in a targeted manner. In so-called dead zones, an appealing Shelf Management can enliven the store. In highly frequented areas, the purchase decision is favored by optimally staging products.

Price labeling and order, as well as advertising on the shelf, influence the length of stay and the customer's decision to buy. Shelf Edge Strips ensure a uniform price labeling close to the product. Printed shelf wobblers highlight certain products on the shelf. Ensure the success of your products with sales-promoting measures on the shelf.
Not only on the shelf, but also in other areas you can fully realize your potential with articles of sales promotion. For both indoor and outdoor use, we offer countless items to promote your products, events or offers.

As described above, consumer promotion is divided into price promotion and non-price promotion. In price promotion, it is important to declare prices and offers clearly and eye-catchingly. With advertising displays or customer stoppers, you can quickly draw the attention of potential customers to your advertising message and your discounts.
The non-price promotion is mainly characterized by attractive product displays. They highlight the advantages of your product and present the respective merchandise in the best light. Individual displays are particularly often used in this area. They are tailored to your brand and the characteristics of your goods down to the last detail.

Trade Promotion 

Trade promotion, also known as retailer promotion, focuses on communication between manufacturers and retailers or resellers. At trade fairs, exhibitions and similar events, contact with partners can be maintained and improved. Additional meetings with sales agents serve the same purpose.

In the process of vertical marketing, it is of interest to improve the cooperation between manufacturers and trade organizations.

Retail-oriented sales promotion measures are usually temporary. The measures taken have the effect of activating the market to make selective or complementary efforts. This improves the market position concerned.

Trade fairs, exhibitions or events are important stages for establishing, deepening or maintaining business relationships. With the aim of improving the market situation, the focus is on cooperation with business partners. Through an intensive support and first-class presentation of your company, you have the opportunity to not only stand in good stead with customers.

For an ideal starting point for maintaining your relationships, it is essential to design an impressive concept for your events or trade fairs. Innovative and high quality products, as well as a flawless organization are proof of competence and professionalism. Our assortment offers various answers to the question of a comprehensive event and trade fair equipment.

Staff Promotion

The goal of personnel-oriented sales promotion is to support the sales staff. In this area, the focus of promotion is on the company's own personnel.

Some of the measures in this area include employee training, sales competitions or the introduction of a bonus or reward system. With the help of such a system, benefits can be offered to highly motivated and successful sales staff.

By training and promoting your staff, the aim is to improve familiarity with the products. In this way, you hope to increase sales success and motivate your personnel. You can inform your internal or external sales force in a sales-promoting manner with circular letters, conferences, equipment or advertisements.

In the field of Staff Promotion, the success of training has a direct impact on your sales. By exclusively training and equipping your salespeople or field staff, you have the opportunity to exploit your market potential. In order to implement product information and operational or technical innovations, it is essential to pass on knowledge successfully. Through the use of various media and concise presentations, you are guaranteed to reach your staff.

We support you in the sustainable training of your employees with our product range. In addition to various presentation media, we offer many products to equip your staff professionally. This way you guarantee a lasting impression with partners, customers and suppliers.

Discover the potential of sales promotion for your business. In the buyer's market, communication policy is becoming an increasingly important part of marketing. Within this area, you have a variety of different instruments at your disposal. Compared to sponsoring, sales promotion with its functions is crucial especially for retailers.

These and many other industries use the three levels of sales promotion to maximize their potential on the market. Not only retailers, but also manufacturers are placing increased focus on sales promotion at the point of sale. A high-quality display can increase brand awareness. Combine each level to achieve ideal results for your store and brand.

Custom Solutions from VKF Renzel

More than 35 Years of Experience in Sales Promotion

As a company, many years ago we specialized in sales promotion as a key element of communication policy. In addition to advertising on the shelf, we supply and manufacture many other products that are used in sales promotion activities. Over the years, we have been able to specialize not only in various materials, but also in a huge number of product groups.

As a company, many years ago we specialized in sales promotion as a key element of communication policy. In addition to advertising on the shelf, we supply and manufacture many other products that are used in sales promotion activities. Over time, we have been able to specialize not only in various materials, but also in a wide range of product groups.

We manufacture high-quality standard displays or realize individual wishes and requirements. With our in-house production and print shop, we have countless options in the area of manufacturing. Thanks to our experience and worldwide presence, we are the contact for your sales promotion. We would be happy to hear from you!

40 years

experience and competence in the entire spectrum of sales promotion

26 countries

production sites and subsidiaries, from USA to China

885 employees

We are personally available domestic and abroad

> 25.000 products

The full spectrum of sales promotion

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