VKF Renzel Blogs
Effective Secondary Placement in Retail: Tips and Tricks for Increased Revenue
30.08.2024Discover everything about secondary placement in retail in our blog post. Learn what secondary placement means and why it is important. Familiarise yourself with proven strategies for placement and receive valuable tips for effective design. Use practical examples to overcome challenges and maximise benefits. Also, find out how you can measure the success of your secondary placements.
Sustainability - Measures for Greater Awareness
01.08.2024Discover everything about the importance of sustainability in retail. Learn about specific measures for implementation: from recycling and packaging minimisation to sustainable business practices and the promotion of ecological product development. Find out what you as a seller can do.
What is Digital Signage and How Can you use it to Your Advantage?
14.05.2024Learn all about the basics, the diverse areas of application, success stories and the numerous benefits of digital signage. Discover how these innovative displays can help your company succeed and gain valuable insights into the exciting world of digital signage.
Robot Waiters in Restaurants: A Step into the Future of the Catering Industry?
22.03.2024Discover the future of the catering industry through the use of waiter robots in restaurants. Learn all about their use, how they compare with human waiters and discover what opportunities and challenges the future holds for this technology.
Promotional Gift Ideas: How to Leave a Lasting Impression
25.01.2024Discover a range of inspiring giveaway ideas in our latest blog post that are not only creative and personal, but also budget-friendly and environmentally conscious. Find out how you can create unique gifts with little effort that will not only bring joy but will also be remembered.
Opening a Pop-up Store: Helpful Tips for Getting Started
26.09.2023A pop-up shop is a temporary retail outlet that opens in a temporary location to promote a new product, promote a brand or run a limited sales promotion. They provide a unique opportunity for businesses to engage customers and increase brand awareness by creating an atmosphere tailored to the particular theme or product.
Retail: When is it Worth Switching to Digital Price Tags?
18.09.2023Retailers face the challenge of keeping up with ever-changing consumer habits while remaining efficient. In this context, digital price tags offer an innovative solution to replace the traditional use of paper price tags. By switching to digital price tags, retailers can reap a variety of benefits.
New German Packaging Law: Which Catering Businesses must offer Reusable Packaging?
24.07.2023The New Packaging Act, which came into force in Germany in 2019, aims to reduce the use of single-use packaging and promote the use of more environmentally friendly reusable packaging. Under this law, certain catering establishments are obliged to offer reusable packaging.
Mobile Exhibition Stands for Events
26.06.2023Mobile and small exhibition stands are particularly suitable for companies looking for a flexible and cost-effective presentation option. These can be set up and dismantled quickly and are also suitable for use at a number of different events.
Retail Security Systems: How to Reduce the Risk of Theft
09.03.2023Learn more about retail security systems. We will be happy to show you some tips that you can apply in your own salesroom.