Prohibition Signs: Marking in your Company
Prohibition signs are indispensable signs for safety and employee protection in your company. They are known as a red circle with a crossed-out pictogram of the prohibited action. In the assortment you can see a small selection of these important articles for danger prevention. In addition, we can procure any desired variant of the prohibition signs at short notice.Prohibition signs show the observer important information at a glance. These behaviours are to be refrained from at all costs so that certain consequences or even accidents can be avoided. There is one thing that all prohibition signs usually have in common: they promote occupational safety in your company.
After all, they are used as danger signs on machines as well as for regulating passageways. Whether "No smoking", "No entry for unauthorised persons" or a completely different notice. For safety in your company, prohibition signs are the ultimate you cannot do without.
Prohibition signs enable a clear communication of a prohibition of action. This is clearly shown on the sign by the black pictogram.
Kennzeichnung nach DIN Norm
Bei der Ausweisung von Gefahren ist eine direkte und unmissverständliche Wahrnehmung nötig. Durch Signalfarben, Piktogramme und weitere graphische Elemente kann die Aufmerksamkeit geweckt werden. Darüber hinaus hat man sich für eine einheitliche Norm bei der Gestaltung der Kennzeichnung entschieden.Es gibt bestimmte Normen für Verbotsschilder, Warnzeichen oder Fluchtwegschilder. Das bedeutet, die Schilder sehen immer gleich aus. Egal in welchem Unternehmen oder welchem Gebäude Sie sich befinden, muss das jeweilige Schild der Norm entsprechen. Corporate Designs oder weitere stilistische Elemente können nicht von der Botschaft ablenken.
Darüber hinaus sind die verschiedenen Schilder international verständlich. Vom „Rauchen verboten“ Schild bis zum Brandschutzschild ist die Gestaltung genormt. Wählen Sie zwischen den verschiedenen Motiven und Schildern nach DIN 7010. Nutzen Sie die Schilder um vorschriftsmäßig auf Gefahren und Risiken hinzuweisen.
Mandatory signs according to standard
Use mandatory signs to request a certain action. As a rule, these are recommendations to avoid accidents. A white pictogram on a blue surface represents the request.
Prohibition signs according to standard
They communicate the indication to refrain from an action. The clear red circle with crossbar makes the signs recognisable from a distance. The action is depicted by a black, characteristic pictogram.
Prohibition Signs for Indoor and Outdoor Use
Their special features are a white background and a thick red border. They are hung on walls, stairwells, machines and many other places in companies and public buildings. This ensures: no one can miss prohibition signs.The general prohibition signs in our shop are not only available in different sizes, but also in different materials. Whether embossed in aluminium or as self-adhesive foil.
The "No Smoking" sign, for example, is a real classic among the information signs. It can therefore also be ordered in many desired materials. After all, this sign can be used both outdoors and indoors. Choose the material plastic or aluminium for your sign.
The prohibition sign "Access for unauthorised persons prohibited" should also be attached to walls or larger machines. The choice of material always depends on this.
Perhaps you need a prohibition sign for your lift. The sign with the motif "Do not use lift in case of fire" indicates dangers during use and is also a frequently ordered sign, as it draws the attention of visitors, employees and passers-by to important dangers.
Prohibition Signs made of various Materials
Secure your company, your business, the machine area or a site professionally with the range of prohibition signs. This is how you focus on safety. Show employees, customers or passers-by which behaviour to refrain from in order to avoid dangers. This way you reduce the risk of accidents or (personal) damage.Select the prohibition sign for the notice you need here. Then place the prohibition sign specifically where danger spots cannot be completely eliminated. If you have any questions about individual items, we will be happy to help and advise you.
Choose the motif of your choice and ensure more safety at your site. Order prohibition signs as aluminium signs or foils now!